Vita Mavrič

Vita Mavrič je svojo glasbeno-gledališko kariero začela na odrskih deskah ljubljanskega Mestnega gledališča leta 1987 z glavno vlogo v nadvse uspešnem muzikalu. Istega leta je posnela in uprizorila svoj prvi samostojni glasbeni recital na besedila različnih slovenskih pesnikov z naslovom Pesem je ženska. Zatem se je dokončno posvetila slovenskemu šansonu. Med slovenskim občinstvom je obudila zanimanje za šanson, slovensko uglasbeno poezijo, povzdignila raven besede in glasbe ter razvila prepoznavno blagovno znamko mednarodnega festivala šansonov La vie en rose ter znamko Café teater. Slednjega je kot umetniška vodja vodila dvajset let. S svojo predanostjo je začrtala razvoj šansona na Slovenskem tudi kot specifične zvrsti glasbenega gledališča in na njem pustila neizbrisen pečat. Izvaja avtorske konceptualne projekte in z njimi gostuje tako doma kot v tujini. Je ena najvidnejših slovenskih šansonjerk. Njene pesmi so zgodbe slehernika, njen glas, interpretacija in dramska igra pa nas popeljejo na sprehod v nek drug čas, v neke druge kraje ali pa nas pustijo tukaj in zdaj, razmišljujoče o stiskah sodobnega človeka.

Oder. Luč. Beseda. Glasba. Štirje elementi sveta, ki mu Vita Mavrič pripada z vsem srcem.

Vita Mavrič started her music career on the stage of the Ljubljana City Theatre in 1987, when she played the lead role in a very successful musical. That same year she recorded and performed her first independent music recital, using the poetry of various Slovenian poets, titled A Song is a Woman (Pesem je ženska). After that she devoted herself definitively to the Slovenian chanson. She has revived interest in chanson and Slovenian poetry among Slovenian audiences and raised the level of lyrics and music as well as developed the distinctive brands of the La vie en rose International Festival and Café teater, which she ran as artistic director for twenty years. Her dedication has certainly shaped the evolution of the Slovenian chanson as a specific genre of music theatre and left an indelible mark on it. She has performed original conceptual projects and toured with them both at home and abroad. She is one of the most prominent Slovenian chanson singers. Her songs are the stories of the everyman, while her voice, interpretation and performance take us on a journey to another time and place, or leave us here and now, contemplating the hardships of modern man.

Stage. Light. Words. Music. Four elements of the world to which Vita Mavrič belongs with all her heart.


Album 1 Album 2 Album 3 Album 4 Album 5 Album 6 Album 7 Album 8 Album 9